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"I hear and I forget. I see and I remember. I do and I understand."


A topical update on areas of interest!

Happy World Youth Skills Day! 
July 15, 2023

July 15, 2023

"Equipping young people with quality education, training and skills is essential. This World Youth Skills Day reminds us that teachers stand at the forefront of this great global effort.”

UN Secretary-General António Guterres

2023 Theme: Skilling teachers, trainers and youth for a transformative future

In 2014, the United Nations General Assembly declared 15 July as World Youth Skills Day, to celebrate the strategic importance of equipping young people with skills for employment, decent work and entrepreneurship.

The theme for World Youth Skills Day 2023 is Skilling teachers, trainers and youth for a transformative future. It highlights the essential role that teachers, trainers and other educators play in providing skills for youth to transition to the labour market and to actively engage in their communities and societies.

Technological advancements and shifting labour market dynamics increasingly call for agile and adaptable skill sets. It is crucial that we empower young people to navigate these changes effectively. Technical and vocational education and training (TVET) is well placed to meet these demands by reducing access barriers to the world of work, ensuring that skills gained are relevant, recognized and certified, promoting green skills and practices, and offering skills development opportunities for youth who are not in education, employment and training.

On World Youth Skills Day, let us unite in recognizing the potential of young people as catalysts for change and commit to providing them with the skills and opportunities they need to build a prosperous and sustainable world for all. Together, we can shape a brighter future where no young person is left behind.  (United Nations)

For more details:

United Nations

I am priveleged to report, I was a delegate at both the CPHR HR Conference in Vancouver and the HRPA HR Conference in Toronto! The events took place on separate dates in May 2023.

June 10, 2023

I am a proud member of both the Chartered Professionals in Human Resources (CPHR) and the Human Resources Professionals Association (HRPA).  The message was loud and clear at both conferences. It was simply stated that distance may divide us, but HR unites us all. I look forward to a future of ever closer ties and increasing  harmonization.

For more details:

HRPA Annual Report 2022 (Please view page 10)

CPHR  HR Conference & Expo, May 1-3, 2023

HRPA HR Summit, Annual Meeting & Tradeshow, May 16 -17, 2023

Happy International Human Resources Day on May 20, 2023!

May 13, 2023

It falls on May 20 every year. According to the European Association for People Management, the theme for International HR Day 2023 is "Shaping the New Future". This theme points to the role of HR as the driving force in building a future of work that is more inclusive, accepting, and sustainable.

For more details:

International HR Day 2023 website

World Federation of People Management Associations (WFPMA) website

Human Resources/People & Culture and the Impact of the Pandemic (COVID-19)!

April 5, 2023

If I may be so bold as to use the title of a recent Oscar winning film. Over the last three years the pandemic (COVID-19) has been, “Everything, Everywhere, All at Once!” In the same period, the HR profession has had to “improvise, adapt, and overcome” many difficult challenges. The workplace landscape has evolved and changed irreversibly for many employees. Several new concepts have emerged and become embedded. These include totally remote working, hybrid, working in bubble groups, mandatory vaccinations, medically enforced isolation and the compulsory use of personal protective equipment (PPE). Due to a shortage of required products, we have witnessed industries successfully pivoting to respond to the pandemic. Breweries , as an example, switching to producing alcohol for liquid sanitizer products. This also highlighted the critical requirement to manufacture some of our own PPE in Canada and be less reliant on imports. We have seen whole sectors saved by the Government of Canada’s COVID-19: Financial support for people, businesses, and organizations (Lay-offs). The HR world has had to pivot too and try to anticipate developments at the same time. It is in the profession’s DNA to surmount obstacles irrespective of their size, but the pandemic has definitely been a long haul. This period has also seen several businesses grow. The unprecedented explosion in digital conference platforms (Zoom, Microsoft Teams, Google Meet, etc.). The soaring rise of digital home-based entertainment options (Netflix, Disney, Amazon Prime, Roku, etc.) has also been equally breathtaking. All these elements are interconnected and have affected the HR profession.

The affects have also been personal. The pandemic has clearly shown that working in isolation for long periods of time can have a negative impact on mental health. HR has reviewed EAP/benefits packages and devised other strategies to support employees in more comprehensive ways. Not all options required a hefty financial commitment to be effective, for example, simply calling and speaking with colleagues periodically helps reduce the perception of feeling isolated. At the same time, employees have had time to reset and are more focused on their own priorities. In particular, the redefining of their own work-life balance. The wish to engage in more outdoor activities and connect with the natural environment have also had an obvious impact. The “Great Resignation” and the abundant job vacancies are tangible examples of this paradigm shift in employee thinking. HR professionals with support from HR associations must continue to navigate this constantly evolving working landscape. We now ask ourselves, rather hesitantly, what is the next great challenge in store for professionals dealing with People and Culture?

For more details:

SHRM website

Happy International Women's Day!

March 8, 2023

International Women's Day is a global day celebrated annually on March 8 as a focal point in the women's rights movement, bringing attention to issues such as gender equality, reproductive rights, and violence and abuse against women.

For more details:

International Women's Day (IWD)

The unjustified invasion of Ukraine by Russia has continued for 11 months!!!!

Let us not forget the human tragedy  and misery that this war has created. It is time once again to support the humanitarian relief efforts?

February 1, 2023

If you can, please support two worthy and effective charities:

The International Committee of the Red Cross/Red Crescent - Ukraine

Canada-Ukraine Foundation - Ukraine Appeal 

The 2023 Global Economy - How will it affect you?

January 2, 2023


It makes interesting reading and viewing. I am pondering how many of the predictions will come true?

The Insights

Macro Outlook 2023 Report 

© 2016 - 2025

EON Performance Solutions

 Ernest Ogunleye

Owner & Principal Consultant

(905) 391 2347

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